Order online! Find all our games available for online shopping on the website of our partner jeujouethique.com! Buy online Play French For both young and old, SEPP Jeux designs and manufactures magnetic games. It also develops customized magnetic boards and products to order. Learn more 3 shapes: endless combinations iO, TO, BO: (re)discover the iOTOBO collection and develop your creativity. Learn more GENERAL PUBLIC A project, an idea? Be creative and together we can develop original products under your brand name. Learn more WE CARRY OUT YOUR PROJECTS

SEPP Jeux, publisher and manufacturer of games and magnetic boards.

Welcome to the world of design and manufacture of magnetic products! The SEPP Jeux team has two complementary activities. SEPP Jeux is the designer, publisher and manufacturer of educational and creative magnetic games for young children. These games are distributed in the school market and in specialized stores. SEPP Jeux offers companies its expertise and know-how in the design and manufacture of customized magnetic games, boards and media, under your brand name.

Manufacturer of customized products

Historically , a magnetic board and media manufacturer for companies, our team has preserved its know-how and uses it to design customized products. Our approach supports our customer from the initial concept to the realization of the most complete and complex component.

Educational and creative games editor

Educational, creative, recreational… and magnetic! Have you heard of iOTOBO? For 30 years, we have been creating magnetic games for children. At home or in the classroom, you won’t be able to do without our school and general public ranges. By the way, iOTOBO is our flagship product…